問題導向發問(實用主義者)的知識觀一例:Tree Planting and Climate Change - BBC News

這是問題導向的發問的一個實例: 「什麼是解決二氧化碳過剩的解方?」顯然英國政府及不少學者認定的解方是「種樹」,並加以論述。你若是實用主義者,你有不同的解方嗎?你同意英國派的觀點嗎?
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Top Comments

Kevin Mack | "The best time to plant a fruit tree is 5 years ago." Forget the doubters and "Offset" fraudsters. We need to do EVERYTHING we can. Plant a freaking Tree already. Your kids will thank you.
1 天前

Greenpoloboy3 | Because of the economic climate, now is the perfect time to invest in trees. Trees are the new Gold! Expert Sir Trev Planter is very wise. He says we need more trees to save our planet. Stop cutting them down. Stop cutting down huge trees and replacing them with a twig in the ground. Leave them!! You cannot contact him as I don't know his details but still, we can all do our bit. Remember every little helps
1 天前

Bijoy Mishra | Planting trees— Escape Route for the fossil fuel giants and their supportive governments
1 天前

Axel Wakler | We know the ruling classes couldn't give toss about the environment, so I guess the question is, what is all this climate talk really all about? Taxes? Surveillance?
1 天前

alextclulz | Jesus, the complexity of tree planting being explained in this report really emphasises the need to stop illegal logging
1 天前

Vaikui Ku | Billions of trees are needed by Mankind This Real Deal Action is needed badly in our world We've been losing significant amount of old huge trees globally ever since a hundred years ago
1 天前 (已編輯)

Steve Lampley | Challenge: Stop driving fossil fuel powered vehicles unless absolutely necessary! Yes, that means you! It is not that hard to do!
6 小時前

Michael Lutes | When planting trees, we need to keep in mind that natural healthy forests consist of a large variety of species, and there’s the issue of native vs non native. I have an idea that would, by my estimation, be a game changer. It’s multi-faceted, and would be costly and maybe a slow process. We start by building a pumped pipeline from the Pacific Ocean into the top of the Rocky Mountains, and refill lake Bonneville, even if it’s only in part, as much if it’s former footprint is now occupied by cities. This would bring more water into the local water cycle, providing greater surface area for evaporation/precipitation. (Also, before you go saying that it would all evaporate again, I’d remind you that if we got this far, with pumps and pipes to fill it in the first place, it wouldn’t be difficult to just keep a steady flow to keep it at whatever level we decided.) Along the run of this system we instal solar panels, and some solar domes for thermal desalination. The brine from these stations can be carefully dried and used as needed, so as to avoid dumping brine back into water systems. The water now in the mountain west provides water for reforestation of the decimated forest systems in the Rockies. As these forests are placed around they will aid in the water cycle, providing for an eventual increase in local rain/snowfalls, and eventually begin cooling the arid mountain climate. Slowly this can help provide more lingering snow, increasing albedo of the mountain west. Another part is the furthering of hydroponic systems and aeroponic systems of agriculture, to improve use of space and water, and lower food costs. And the last in my plan would be to slowly redesign cities to have an increase in rooftop gardens, and plants on buildings’ exteriors to help reduce the heat island effect, and thus reduce energy consumption to keep cool. Overall, it would be a lot to do, but it would accomplish a reduction in carbon use, an increase in carbon sequestration, a minor reduction in rising sea levels, and an increase in rain/snow in certain areas.
1 天前

Sieb Mab | Am here last time more rain during rainy season but now no more rain and weather so hot, as I notice because of tree cutting down most of mountain here without tree.
1 天前

DarkSkay | Much too pessimistic to my taste. Increasing vegetation density in cities for example not only binds carbon, but also reduces crime and improves air quality.
1 天前